An observation I uncounted when roaming this city was the patters it creates not only though the use of structures and the design of the spaces in Wellington but also the city patterns in a wider scene. The place where I witnessed the most obvious and strongest structure and patterns was along the waterfront. the space is designed to with wide range structures to enhance the point of direction in which the people a expected to move, but true to the wellington culture it offers more of a creative spin on the constructive structures. I fell that in a way it reflects a enclosure type setting through the use of linear patters that subconsciously direct the guided direction of movement with only offering two directions of movement (north or south). but I don't feel that these repeating patterns are bad, to reinforce the direction of the movement, I feel it helps to engage with the relationship wellington people have on the space. I really enjoy this place in wellington as the whole area juxtaposes the rest of the city, its a space escape the uneven flow of the city and the people acting within it and can have a structural way of movement, with contrasting views of; the tall man maid structures embossing on one side of the path and the vast organic harbor on the other side. I feel that thought patters on linear structures this space gives the wellington people the freedom to run free in such an open space and though creative designed spaces they can subconsciously know where to be directed in the right direction with not overpowering there kingdom and freedom in our city enclosure.
I tried to represent this in my photos thought the structure and patterns in the set up of photos, they all show a wider variety of different structural patterns to enrapture the space with a variety of subtle and more extrusive forms. I tried to distance my self from the space by giving a straight view on the structures dominating the area. also the adding of the people helps to indicate the only two directions the people move in but I made sure they were not in focus as they were more used to create life and symbolise the use of the patterns. As a whole the photos all together crate a structure and patterns together to help enhance the theory I am trying to portray.
Roaming our Domain
Mirroring the Exposed Clone
Spill Through our Habitat
- City patterns. (1947). Economic Geography, 23(4)