Wednesday, 30 May 2012

milk audio

For this advertisement, we wanted to expand upon the original poster we did for the first project. We further pursued the concept of ‘Milk Audio’ being a young company that supplies audio equipment for up and coming artists for both personal and commercial use. 
We had the idea of the milk carton being a hybrid of milk and a speaker and having it reach a tipping point when it can no longer contain the music inside it. We then have the milk, which is mixed with notes and musical lines, rush out of the carton and hit the right side of the screen. It then over flows and the wave of milk falls back onto itself, effectively white washing the screen before the company’s title and tag line are revealed when the milk drains down the screen. 
This is to showcase the feeling of being overcome by music, whilst using the companies affiliated colours and logos. We believe it will be popular with our predominately youth orientated demographic utilising synaesthesia, attractive colours and clean graphics to create a memorable advertisement for the company.
For this advertisement we used Flash to animate the clip and the graphics were created in Photoshop.

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