Wednesday, 31 July 2013

putting on shoes, auto-­‐ethnography

The second auto-­‐ethnography I looked as was putting on my shoes

Touch: when putting on my shoes I can feel the lasses rap around my fingers as I loosen up my shoes, when I am putting up my foot into the shoe it if normally a tight squeeze to get it to fit with out loosening to much of the laces. when tying up the laces I put tight and can feel the whole shoe push against my foot.

smell: The smell of my shoes is not a pleasant smell as it smells of old damp feet from past event when I have walked in the rain and through muddy terrane, the smell is quite strong when tying up the laces but when i move my nose away from it I luckily can't smell it again.

sight: My shoes are old and wearing out, I feel they tell a story with mud on the sides, scuffs on the toes, the laces are no longer white from were the metal has rubbed on them and the inside backs are wearing down. I can also see the normal things like the red shoes with white laces and also can see my feet go into the shoes and tying them up. them I tie up my shoes I can't see parts of the laces as my hands get in the way but I use my tough to navigate my way. 

taste: when I am normally putting on my shoes it is the beginning of the day and is the last thing I do when getting ready for the day so I can still taste my breakfast in my mouth, porridge with brown sugar and cinnamon with peaches.

Sound: when I am loosening and tying up the laces I can hear a slight sound of the laces and also the sound of the rubber as I bend the shoe a kind of squeak when it moves and adjust.

these are the two photo I picked to show my ethnography, the first shows sight with the dirt on the shoes and mud on the fabric, it also shows the tension of pushing my foot into the shoe, the second shows the touch as i pull the tough of the shoe up to loosen the shoe. 

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