Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Allie is a 20 year old sociology student.


Her story:

I don't enjoy tying my laces so I tend to tie them in a rush, even if I'm not in a hurry. Because of this they are prone to coming undone throughout the day, so I end up having to tie them more than once. I favour the 'kids' method, with the bunny ears- but I've also been shown the 'grown ups' way. I like it when I'm shoe shopping and the sales person ties the shoes really nicely, pulling the laces individually, so they fit like a glove- but I can never be bothered to do this myself. One thing I do like to make sure of it checking that the laces are symmetric and the knot is nice, other wise I feel off balance. I really should put more effort into tying my shoes. I don't smell or taste my shoes as I don't think that that should be a normal act. when tying my shoes I can hear the sounds of the lacers as I pull them throw the holes but it isn't a very loud sound.

Allie struggled with the task of explaining her story behind tying her lacers she couldn't think of how it effected all of her senses as it was an everyday activity she docent use the senses. but when watching her I could see that she dose use touch and sight to complete the task.


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