I finalised on designing the lamp to be a hanging lamp as it would look more complete hanging up and then the reifications of the light can hit a wider surface.
I had trouble choosing what to put inside the top to refract the light i tried a few different things, I first tried clear plastic and it worked ok you could see the out line of the shapes cut in the plastic but it did not refract the light, so then I tried glass got thin rounded glass hoping that since the glass was rounded it would course the light to bend off at different angles but yet again all you could see was the shapes of the glass, I think that one of the reasons I was having this problem was because I had frosted the plastic cover to much so light could be refracted out but I didn't want the glass/plastic to be seen
glass |
Plastic |
- In the end I had to go with coloured plastic as it showed the changing of light but it wasn't my be decision as i felt it looked cheep and not to visually pleasing but it showed my concept the best.
I found when wiring this up that wiring is not my strong point in design and found it extremely difficult to do, getting solder everywhere, burning my fingers and spending hours trying to get a simple series circuit to work. I felt to show that it was meant to be hung up I should put a plug to it, it is purely decoration and is not set up to any part of the circuit.
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