Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Comfort Sound.

As putting on you shoes/tying up your laces doesn't produce a loud sound I wanted to play on the Idea in the reading,  that we take comfort for granted and that we only notice it and appreciate it when it has been taken away from you for a while. so for this experiment I wanted to base it over a few days so for the first three days I played music that I thought would be uncomfortable so I played the them song from Alfred Hitchcock's movie Pyscho a very jagged fast passed peace of music that would make you jump out of you seat and feel very uncomfortable and scarred for your life.
And then on the last day I played an upbeat calming song that would make you feel relaxed and comforted, The song would tell you that "its ok all will be fine now" I chose a song that normally I wouldn't be proud of but I felt it fitted the part, I picked an instrumental version of 'what makes you beautiful' by One Direction I found the piece of music very relaxing and comforting as it had song slurring notes and a slow peaceful pace and even though the song is differently not a favorite song, I felt that noting negative is related around the song is upbeat and familiar, there as to be a reason it so popular and I felt that as it was popular and well know it helped to crate a comforting environment.

when doing the experiment I did feel on edge when Pyscho was playing, it became hard to concentrate on what was happening as its a song that gets you heat racing most definitely when it get to the expreamly high pitched part, I always wanted to tie my shoes up really fast so I didn't have to continue listing to the song, when the music was playing I felt like the worst was going to happen Like the girl in the movie when she is court of guard in the shower and stabbed and having the song as a routine didn't help as then by the third day I was not looking forward to putting on my shoes because I didn't want to listen to it again. when day number four came I sure did feel comfortable even having no sound I would of felt comfortable, having the relief of not listing to physo AGAIN. but the One Direction song made it even more comfortable as its is show pace and uses slurring notes which I feel plays a big part in making a song as it gives a soft sound and making comfortable music. I also enjoyed listing to the instrumental version of the song I felt it gave a different sound to the song, you focused on the music being played rater then listing to those boys sing it, I felt it was unexpectedly familiar as as you know the tune but having it as an instrumental you get to hear it in a different context. I found on day four i took my time and was more comfortable doing the act as it was a familiar, upbeat song to tie your shoes to, when has One Direction made you uncomfortable?

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