Sunday, 17 June 2012

sound for stop motion

I got permission from Alaska to use there son "introduction" in my stop motion
replying to my email with;

Hey there Frances!
Sorry about the late reply.
That sounds like a really cool course, and we are more than happy for you to use that song. Just so long as you credit us at the end or something, or buy heaps of copies of our album when it comes out haha.
Hope the project goes well :)

A New way of seeing FINAL VIDEO

This is my final stop motion for DSDN 101"A new way of seeing" looking at my interpretations of Industrial design with a new way of seeing the development of the constructions on objects stating with natural products such as; sticks and leaves and then finishing with man made products such as plastic lego and plastic bags. I also wanted to focus on the physics of industrial design in the way that an objects has to work with the laws, this was shown in in the way the Lego and polystyrene fall down and get reconstructed.
I want to give a huge thank to Alaska as they gave me permission to use there song "introduction" in my film.


Page one.

Page two.
this is my story board wanted it to have a montage of different self generated imagery, form photos, to text and also cartoons I made on Photoshop, I felt that the different medias was a fun and effective way to get my point across and also related to my film as it also used different materials, I wanted it to have a hand crafted collage feel as i like the way it looks and as my film was going to be hand made it related.

I based some aspects of my storyboard off the work of jo cheung, in the way she uses mix media to crate her work, I also like the way she gives them a vintage and hand crafted feel to them


my videos for stop motion have been uploaded to my Vimeo account;

this has my development of my 101 film on it

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


final render

 I desided to make the background white and then use orange light to help reflect back to the colours of the models, but not over power it, so there is a contrast to the background and the models therefore making the models stand out. i wanted to make the pattern on the models stand out so I represted the basics of the patttern amd made it part of the backgroung to help the whole image link up.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

first render

This is what I first played around with when I was rendering, I came to the concusion that I liked the effect of the orange, I like the warmth of colour and the effect the coulor had on the shadow, it helped defin the shadow, but the background orange was to strong so made the models blend into the background but I wanted the models to contrast and stand out from the background.

300 words. "A New Way of Seeing"

I wanted to show in my stop motion film the way that industrial design uses different materials in construction. Over time industrial design has developed in the materials it uses, form natural products such as dirt, clay and wood, through to man made materials like plastic, polystyrene and metal. In my film I wanted it to start from a pile of materials that then moved and formed the letters of “A New Way of Seeing” with each letter being a different material. I want it to go in a time line of the development of materials in industrial design, staring off with sticks and grass and moving up into when man gets tools then to man made products like plastic and polystyrene.
I think one of the main aspects of industrial design is construction and development, so with in my film I want to detail on the making of the letter, so have close up of the textures and joining of the materials rather then showing the whole letter being arranged.
When you making physical design you normally focus on the detailing of a part of the object and don’t look at the whole picture till the end; so in the film I don’t want the whole quote and the letters not to be reviled till the end.
Another attribute I want to show within my film is the way that in industrial design I believe that the laws of physics plays a huge roll in the construction of the model, such as balance, weight distribution and centre of mass. So I wanted to show the restrictions that industrial can have buy showing one of my materials failing and having to show redevelopment of it to fit the laws of physics.
As whole I wanted to show that Industrial design is the new way of seeing how the new development of materials and how even thought that the physics cant be changed to can still improve what it can be constructed with.

Monday, 4 June 2012

practice stop motion

I wanted to try some of the different materials that I was planing to use in my film, like liquid, tools, wood and string. so I could try and see how different objects could move and the restrictions they have.

Stop Motion Film Link.